Would you like to know the patterns of behavior that are not serving you? If so listen in as Samantha Elisabeth shares how to rediscover your inner child, fall in love with your inner child and find your own fun land of wonderment.
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- How Tantra can teach us how to love ourselves more.
- Discover the patterns of behavior that are not serving you and are keeping you stuck.
- Rediscover your inner child and find your own fun land of wonderment.
- How to nurture and support your team to build a successful business.
Samantha Elisabeth
Samantha Elisabeth lives a self-empowered life, has had many achievements in her lifetime and has been in a steady self-awareness learning process that continues to evolve with love every day.
She has working experience is in US Navy and multiple fields of Western Medicine, including human and veterinary medicine. She has even joined multiple denominational churches to seek the love and attention that she was longing for.
Before the young age of 5 years old, Samantha was adopted 3 separate times and placed in situations that no one would care to experience. She felt that she was the most unlovable child in the world due to the physical and emotional abuses, neglects, and molestations, which led down a life path of extremely self-destructive behaviors.
As an adult, Samantha’s professional, spiritual, and traumatic life experiences helped her start the curious desire of tracking back her behavior patterns. She actually gained a greater understanding of life, spirituality, and now even envisions her life experiences, as gifts.
She believes that God gave her these life experience gifts that have caused a heightened awareness in herself, others, and her surroundings. Samantha is currently a successful Social Media Influencer, Speaker, Spiritual Intuitive Healer, and soon to be author.
Her soul purpose is to raise the vibration of the planet. She guides people to have a greater perspective of their life and aids in eliminating and reprogramming self-sabotaging behavior patterns that stem from the subconscious parts of the mind. Her gifts help others understand the importance of positive and compassionate commitment to self so they may gain and maintain the greatest successes of their life. She is committed to guide those who are committed to themselves.
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